Ambassador Yin Yun
It was difficult to get through the densecrowd.───要从这样肩摩踵接的人群中穿过去可真难.
Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her.───滚滚浓烟盘旋翻腾,恶臭味呛得她喘不过气来。
This would lead one to expect a fat, denseand detailed autobiography. The reverse is true. The book is short and spare.───这会让人以为是一本内容晦涩而详尽的大部头自传。但正好相反,这本书简短明了。
This creature's fur is short, denseand silky.───这种动物的毛短、浓密且柔顺。
Dyewood is a denseIndian hardwood.───染料木是一种硬质印度产硬木.
The area was covered in densejungle.───这个地区丛林密布。
There was densesmoke pouring from all four engines.───4个发动机全都在冒浓烟。
Some densesubstances allow electricity to flow through them freely.───有些密度大的物质容易让电流通过.