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passing the station
Hold tight when you rideat the back of your brother's scooter.───你坐在你哥哥的摩托车后面时,要抓牢.
I learnt to rideas a child.───我小时候就学会了骑马。
Both the horses were out, tacked up and ready to ride.───两匹马都牵出来装上了马具,可以骑了.
According to the legend, she cried out that no storm was going to stop her from finishing her ride.───据传,她当时大声宣布,即使有再大的暴风雨她也要骑到终点。
It was a bumpy ridealong the farm track.───去农场的小路颠簸不平.
It's a five fen rideon a bus.───乘公共汽车去要五分钱.
He can ridea horse like a horseman.───他马骑得和骑手一样好.
It's too far to rideto your grandmother's; you'd better take the bus.───骑车去你奶奶家太远了, 你最好坐公共汽车去.