Hope crown
希冕───Hope crown
In the hope of a heavenly crown, let us sit loose to earthly possessions and comforts, and cheerfully bear up under crosses.───在希望的天堂冠,让我们坐松散,以俗世的财产和舒适,愉快地承担下的十字架。
what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing?───我们的盼望和喜乐,并所夸的冠冕,是什么呢。
hope is still that as markets recover, AIG can sell the crown jewels of its insurance business at a premium to book value.───希望仍寄托在随着市场的复苏,AIG可以以优于账面的溢价出售其保险业务的精华部分。