Salty soup
Go easy on condiments, they tend to be salty.───别放太多调味品, 这样往往会太咸.
The popcorn tastes salty.───爆米花尝起来是咸的。
Salty food makes one thirsty.───咸的食物令人口渴.
Abscesses should be bathed in warm saltywater.───脓肿需要用温盐水浸泡.
An organism that requires a saltyenvironment.───在像死海和盐滩这样的多盐环境的喜盐生物.
The water should be saltyenough so that the fish float top.───水中的盐份应足以使鱼浮在水面.
I say, waiter, the soup is too salty.───喂, 服务员, 这汤太咸了.
It'should be saltyenough so that the fish float to the top.───溶液中含盐量应当足够多,乃至于鱼应该浮起.
This bacon is too saltyfor me.