广州国际学校( 祈福英语实验学校)初中部为您分享以下优质知识
The coolingsystem can, of course, freeze up in very cold weather.───冷却系统在很冷的天气, 当然可能冻结起来.
The heat had to be dissipated by elaborate coolingsystems.───热得用复杂的冷却装置散发.
It didn't come as a shock to learn that the fuel and coolingsystems are the most common causes of breakdown.───燃油和冷却系统是造成故障的最常见的原因,这一点不奇怪。
a seven-day cooling-off period between a strike ballot and industrial action.───罢工投票表决和采取罢工行动之间应有七天的冷却期。
Large quantities of water are needed for coolingpurpose.───冷却要用大量的水.
She slopped around in the coolingwater.───她在凉爽的水里走来走去.
The scholar foolishly took the school coolingpool for swimming pool.───学者愚蠢的把学校的冷却池当成游泳池。
It's coolingdown a little. "───外面凉快一点了. ”
Cooling pumps were left off for more than an hour.