Standby station
Similar arrangements apply to students who are ordinarily residentin Scotland.───类似的安排适用于长期居住在苏格兰的学生。
So the virus installs itself memory residentas a component of EXpLORER.───所以这个病毒将自身驻留内存就象EXpLORER.EXE进程的一个组成部分一样.
Resident agents took the place of travelling merchants.───客居外乡的代理商取代了过州撞府的行商的位置.
A residentof his neighbourhood had let off fireworks to celebrate the Revolution.───他家附近的一个居民燃放了烟花庆祝**胜利。
A residentof his neighbourhood had let off fireworks to celebrate the revolution.───他邻里的一个居民燃放了烟花来庆祝**。
Local residentgroups have united in opposition to the plan.───当地居民团体已联合起来反对这项计划。
They engaged a residenttutor.───他们聘用了一名住家的家庭教师.
Supplementary Card Applicant must be Hong Kong permanent residentaged 16 or above.───附属卡申请人必须为年满十六岁之香港永久居民.
I've been residentin this place for five years.