Korean plural
A Korean airliner was hijacked by two passengers and forced to fly to Tashkent.───一架韩国的大型客机被两名乘客劫持,被迫飞往塔什干。
prices for Korean art have gone through the roof.───韩国艺术品价格突然猛涨了。
Servo was swamped with rush order for the Korean war.───塞尔伏为了朝鲜战争的紧急定货单忙得要死.
The point became grimly evident with the outbreak of the Korean War a few weeks later.───几星期以后,由于朝鲜战争的爆发,这种观点无情地显示了自己的正确性.
They give Korean colleges a bad name.───给韩国大学丢尽了脸.
We'll wrap up the Korean stage and head for England.───我们准备离开韩国舞台动身去英国.
I'm crazy about Korean TV plays.───我非常喜欢韩国电视剧.
Servo was swamped with rush orders for the Korean War - perhaps we could help.───塞尔伏为了韩战的紧急定货单忙得要死 -- 也许我们可以帮他一点忙.
Korean peninsula lies to the west of Japan.