A wise man worships God
智者───wise man;崇上───Chongshang
A fool may give a wise mancounsel.───愚者千虑,必有一得.
A wise mancan profit from his mistakes.───聪明人会从自己的错误中得到教益.
A single word uttered by a wise mancan decide a legal case.───片言折狱.
A stupid fellow is talkative; a wise manis meditative.───蠢人饶舌, 智者思虑.
The wise manhas no perplexities.───贤者,不惑也.
The wise manreplied calmly.───智者平静地回答。
You could profit from listening to a wise man.───智者一席话,使人受益大.
A wise mandoes not fight when the odds are against him.───好汉不吃眼前亏.