The alarmclock awoke me on time.───闹钟按时把我闹醒了.
I was beginning to feel alarm, but kept it to myself so as not to worry our two friends.───我开始有点慌了,但仍旧不动声色,免得我们的两个朋友担心。
If an alarmgives you that feeling of security, then it'sworth carrying.───如果带着闹钟让你感到心里踏实,那就值得携带。
On hearing the alarmthe fire brigade rushed to the scene.───消防队闻讯赶到.
The alarmspread rapidly.───警报迅速传开.
He was struck with alarm.───他饱受惊慌.
Wire the thermometers up to trigger off an alarmbell if the temperature drops.───给温度计接上线,如果温度下降,报警铃就会响.
I set my alarmclock for 4.30.───我把闹钟定在4点半。
I forgot to set the burglar alarm.
The alarmfrightened the thief away.
The noise would have provoked alarmand neighbourly concern.
please turn off the alarmclock.
They heard the fire alarm.