My name is Shuangshuang
Shuangshuang had not an adequate arena for the exercise of his talents.───双双没有充分发挥其才能的场所。
Today was a day of rain, the weather turns cold, a little small cold, but physically feel pretty comfortable, cool, the Shuangshuang!───今天下了一天的雨,天气转凉了,有点小冷,不过身体上感觉蛮舒服的,凉凉的,爽爽的!
Shuangshuang's father soon stopped remitting money and even had an affair. He asked for a divorce when his lover became pregnant.───双双的爸爸不久就不愿再资助她们,甚至还搞外遇,并且向丹萍提出离婚。
Autumn has shamisen, harvest is sweet. is the Xiangxiang. Autumn is the Shuangshuang.