Wash tomato and cut into pieces
Formula: tomatohalf, the amount of honey, pearl powder appropriate.───配方: 蕃茄半个 、 蜂蜜适量 、 珍珠粉适量.
There'snothing like fresh basil to put a zing into a tomatosauce.───在番茄沙司中无论加入什么都不如加一点儿新鲜的紫苏更能提味。
Today we have chicken noodle, tomatoand clam chowder.───女招待:今天有鸡面 、 蕃茄、杂烩汤.
Berti's clear tomatosoup is deliciously light.───伯蒂做的西红柿清汤清淡可口。
Would you prefer mushrooms or grilled tomato?───您要蘑菇还是扒西红柿?
Soup; tomato, onion, and vegetable.───汤; 西红柿汤 、 葱头汤 、 菜汤.
The drop in temperature frosted the tomatoplants.───气温下降冻坏了番茄苗.
The tomatois technically a fruit, although it is eaten as a vegetable.───严格地说,西红柿是一种水果, 尽管它是当作蔬菜吃的.