A bachelor farmerbegan to call, ostensibly to talk to her father, but really to see her.───一位单身农场主开始前来拜访,嘴上说是找她的父亲,实际上是想见她。
At first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.───乍一看,有机耕作对农民来说似乎昂贵得多。
The farmermilks the cows twice a day.───那农夫一天挤两次母牛的奶.
The farmerforked hay.───这农民用叉子叉干草.
The farmerslides the bolt in place to keep the gate from swinging.───农夫推上门闩,使门不摇晃.
Mr Farmer and Mrs Jones both admitted conspiring to murder her husband.───法默先生和琼斯太太都承认密谋杀死了琼斯先生。
A farmeris entitled to a certain particularized tax treatment.───农民能够享受某种具体的税收待遇。
The farmerbought a doe.───那位农民买了头雌鹿.
The farmersaid we were trespassing.
When the calf is stolen, the farmermends the stall.
The farmercut at the snake with a stick.
The farmerherded the cows into the cowshed.
The farmergrows potatoes in this field.