
2023-05-17 16:25:02


第十八课 购物


⑴ 关于IBM公司


⑵ 关于美国对纺织品标签的规定



⑴ measure v. 量
考点:measure up to/ with 够得上,达到(标准等);符合
measure oneself against/ with 同。较量
例句:The tailor measured him carefully before making a suit for him.

⑵ doubt n. 怀疑
考点:beyond/without doubt 无疑地,确实地,肯定地
no doubt 确实很可能
例句:There is no doubt that he is guilty.

⑶ deliver v. 递送,传送;发表,宣布
考点:deliver(oneself)of 讲;表达
deliver oneself to 向。投案,向。自首
deliver over/up 交出,移交
例句:The postman at last delivered the letter we had been waiting for a long time.

⑷ feature n. 特色,特征
考点:make a feature of 以。为特色
例句:Her eyes were her best feature.

⑸ compatible v. 兼容的,协调的
考点:be compatible with 与。相适应,不矛盾,相似
例句:Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not compatible with each other.

⑹ desire n. 欲望;愿望
考点:at sb.’s desire 应某人的要求
have a strong desire to do sth. 迫切想做某事
例句:The people expressed their desire that the war(should) come to end soon.

⑺ steal v. 偷,窃取
考点:steal along 悄悄前进
steal away (把某物)偷走溜掉;(时间)不识不觉地过去
steal off 偷去,拿跑
例句:I had my wallet stolen yesterday when I was shopping in the market.

⑻ judge v. 判断;审理
考点:judging by/from 根据。来判断
judge by appearances 以貌取人
例句:You shouldn’t judge strangers always by the clothes they wear.


⑴ run short of 缺少,快用完
同义词组还有 in defect of ,there is lack of. 例如:
Now we are running short of food.

⑵ for now 目前,暂时
表示时间的短语,同义词组还有for the moment,at the present time,at present.例如:
For now I don’t want to have a holiday.

⑶ be in touch 联系,接触
后面通常接 with sb./sth. 指‘与某人联系/了解某事’,be out of touch 指‘与。失去联系’。例如:
We will be in touch again tomorrow.

⑷ be compatible with 与。兼容,适合,一致
His idea is compatible with that of his father.

⑸ on sale 出售,上市,廉价出售
This book is on sale at present.


⑴ There’s not much chance of that but they’ll definitely be ready in March,two months from now,I suppose.
讲解:chance指‘可能性,机会’,常用的词组by chance 指‘偶然地,意外地’和by any chance 指‘或许,可能’。其他句型:There is a chance that… 指‘有。可能’。例如:
There is a chance that you can get the visa.

⑵ The only way to be sure you really do get what you pay for is to read the label care fully on everything you buy.
讲解:do在这里没有实际意义,只是起强调动词get 的作用。pay for 指‘支付,付款’。The only way to do sth. is to do…指‘做。事情的唯一方式是。’。两个to都是不定式。例如:
The only way to pass the exam is to study hard.

⑶ Several citizen’s groups have been i


nfluential in demanding that companies list the exact content of goods and the length of time the product can be considered fresh,as with milk and other dairy products.
讲解:that引导的是demanding的宾语从句,the exact content和the length of time构成了 list的宾语。be influential in sth./doing sth. 指‘对。有影响的’。例如:
The mother is influential in her daughter’s decision.




⑴ 不及物动词或不及物动词短语,如 appear,die,disappear,end,fail,happen,last,lie,take等
After the fire,very little remained of my house.
The accident happened last week.

⑵ 系动词如 appear,be,become,fall,feel,get,grow,keep,look,seem,smell,sound,stay,turn等
It sounds good.

⑶ 一些及物动词或动词短语如 fit,have,hold,marry,own,wish,cost,notice,watch,arrive at/in,shake hands with,succeed in,suffer from,happen to,take part in,belong to 等
This key just fits the lock.

⑷ 带同源宾语的及物动词如 die/death,dream/dream,slive/life 等以及反身代词、相互代词不能用于被动语态。例如:
She dreamed a bad dream last night.


