广州国际学校( 祈福英语实验学校)初中部为您分享以下优质知识
the onin War let the fall of the old shogun.───的应仁之乱撼动了古老的幕府统治。
He makes himself Shogun, or " commander - in - chief for suppressing barbarians "───他自封幕府将军 “ 征夷大将军 ”
Kandahar's shadow shogun is Ahmed Wali Karzai half - brother to president Hamid Karzai.───坎大哈的幕后黑手是艾哈迈德?瓦利?卡尔扎伊,他与总统哈米德?卡尔扎伊同父异母.
After lemochi died, Yoshinobu Hitotsubashi became the new Tokugawa shogun.───德川家茂去世后, 德川庆喜接任将军之位.
once in debt, neither the individual samurai nor the shogun himself found it easy to recover.───一旦负债,无论是武士本人还是幕府将军本人都很难恢复元气。
Shogun Battleship damage reduction, and FX change at shells fired, 10 % larger.───将军战列舰的伤害减少, 开火的特效变化, 体型增大10%.