广州国际学校( 祈福英语实验学校)小学部为您分享以下优质知识
He is a good eaterand a good sleeper.───他能吃会睡.
It's also the biggest eaterin the world. It eats a ton of food day.───它也是世界上吃得最多的动物, 它每天要吃一吨的食物.
She's such a fussy eater.───她太挑食。
Some simple strategies can help even the pickiest eaterlearn to like a more varied diet.───即使是最挑嘴的人,也有些简单的策略能帮助他们学著喜欢多变的饮食.
hungry meat eaterwould stay away from anything that looks like seaweed.───饥饿的肉食者会远离任何看起来像海藻的东西。
The Death Eater gets his wand first and takes his mask off.───食死徒首先拿到他的魔杖并且脱掉了他的面罩.
Iguanodon was a plant eater. Other meat eating dinosaurs would kill the Iguanodon to eat it.───禽龙是草食动物. 其它食肉恐龙会捕食禽龙.
He's a big eater.───他饭量大.
He's a big eater.