Now I don't like math any more
Mathematics is the science of pure quantity.───数学是研究纯数量的科学.
He has a profound knowledge of mathematics.───他数学知识渊博.
He can beat me hollow at mathematics.───在数学上他造诣很高,我是望尘莫及.
She plans to take a course in mathematics.───她打算学习数学课程.
He grounded himself thoroughly in mathematics.───他在数学方面接受过全面的基础训练.
He has come out in front in the study of mathematics.───他在数学方面已名列前茅.
He excels in mathematics.───他擅长数学.
The teacher failed me in mathematics.───老师给我数学不及格.
It's ironical that the weakest student in mathematicswas elected class treasurer.