put some salt in the eggs and stir
My canary has laid an egg.───我的金丝雀生了一个蛋。
The apocryphal story of Columbus and the eggis very interesting.───哥伦布竖蛋这个真伪不明的故事十分有趣.
She flipped an eggover in the pan.───她把平底锅里的鸡蛋猛然翻过来.
Certain pigment colours were painted on to dry plaster using tempera (where eggyolk is used to fix the pigment).───使用蛋彩画颜料(内含可以定色的蛋黄)在干石膏上绘出了特定颜色。
She doesn't let him have eggon his face in public.───她没有让他当众出丑.
When a bird's nest is overturned, no eggcan remain intact.───覆巢之下无完卵.
Brush beaten eggover the pastry.───用刷子把打匀的鸡蛋抹在油酥面团上。
It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg.───只需要一个精子就能让卵子受精。