培训啦网(PeiXunLa.com)每年都有很多考生 怀揣着“大学梦”、“名校梦”加入高考大军,下面是小编分享的挑力用英语怎么写,文章内容希望能帮到大家。
They utilized water for producing electric power.───他们利用水力发电.
They've switched off the power.───他们关掉了电源。
You can't make a machine work without powersupply.───没有动力,机器就不能转动.
They advocate the retention of our nuclear powerplants.───他们主张保留我们的核电厂.
the diminution of political power───政权的削弱
The bad eggs wielded power, while the good people were oppressed.───坏人当道, 好人受气
The rocket at this speed demands great power.───这种速度的火箭需要很大的动力.
the smooth handover of powerfrom a military to a civilian government───从军政府到文人政府的权力的顺利移交
Any limitation to the king's powercould be permanent.
The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.Edmund Burke
He wants the powerto sack incompetent teachers.
Electrical poweris supplied by underground cables.
Knowledge is power.