Americans are willing to tolerate time-consumingsecurity procedures in return for increased safety.───美国人愿意忍受耗时的安全程序,来换取更高的安全性。
It's just very time consuming to get such a large quantity of data.───获取如此大量的数据非常费时。
The best evidence comes from randomized clinical trials, which time consuming, and always possible.───最佳证据来自随机临床实验, 这种实验耗时耗财, 而其不一定都能实现.
complaints procedure is clumsy and time-consuming.───申诉程序复杂耗时。
Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided.───打官司费钱耗时而且给人添堵,所以最好能避则避。
The computation of element stiffness matrix is important and time consuming in the finite element method.───有限元单元法是塑性成形领域应用比较广泛的数值分析法之一.
court can be an expensive, time-consuming, and gut-wrenching experience that is best avoided.───上法庭会是种费钱,费时间,并带来精神痛苦的经历,最好能加以避免。
However, a move is expensive, time consuming, and in many cases not practical.───但是, 这种解决方案不仅昂贵 、 耗时, 而且在许多情况下并不可行.
It was a time-consumingand fiddly job.