Bow No
号弓───Bow No
You don't know how it will go, and leave both parties the opportunity to bow out gracefully with no hurt feelings.───你不知道第一次见面会如何进行,那么就让双方有机会在不伤害感情的前提下优雅地退出。
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it, for I am the Lord your God and I tolerate no rivals.───不许向任何偶像下跪或崇拜它,因为我是主,你们的上帝,而且我决不宽容任何对手。
There's no need to bow.───没有必要鞠躬。
And for that I declare you, Robin of Locksley, dispossessed of your holding, and to lose your right hand that you may draw bow nomore.───因此我向你声明,拉西里的罗宾放弃你的土地,放开你的右手,不许再拉弓了。