social pressure
Will she yield to growing pressurefor her to retire?───面对要求其隐退的压力越来越大,她会屈服吗?
Under pressurefrom the public, many regional governments cleaned up their beaches.───迫于公众压力,许多地区政府对各自海滩进行了清理。
He changed his mind under the pressurefrom others.───他在别人的逼迫之下改变了主意.
The government is under pressureto relax censorship regulations.───政府受到压力,被要求放宽审查制度.
pressure of life caused him to crack up.───生活的压力使他身体垮了.
Its government is under pressurefrom the European Commission.───其政府承受着来自欧盟委员会的压力。
Exercise will not only lower blood pressurebut possibly protect against heart attacks.───锻炼不仅会降低血压,而且可能对心脏病有预防效果。
Meteorologist believe this pressurejump is the mechanism responsible for storm and tornado.───气象学家认为这一气压的突然升高是暴风雨和飓风形成的物理机制.
Check the tyre pressureon the dial.
The government had to bow to public pressure.
They are a small but noisy pressuregroup .
The pressureon the enemy is building up.
There is pressureon the unions to settle.