You're sick
He was overcome with nauseaafter eating some bad food.───他吃过坏食物后感到恶心.
A medium dose produces severe nauseawithin hours.───中等剂量几小时之内会引发严重的恶心。
I was overcome with a feeling of nausea.───我感到一阵恶心。
The sight fills him with nausea.───这情景使他厌恶.
poison from the weaver fish causes paralysis, swelling, and nausea.───龙的毒素会引起瘫痪、肿胀和恶心。
His complaint causes dizziness and nausea.───他的病引起了头晕和恶心。
A wave of nauseaswept over her.───她觉得一阵恶心。
Early pregnancy is often accompanied by nausea.───怀孕期常有恶心的现象.