moist environment of their burrows.───潮湿的地洞来完成脱壳。
Our moultingseason, like that of the fowls, must be a crisis in our lives.───我们的换羽毛的季节,就像飞禽的,必然是生命之中一个大的转折点。
Their fur is moultingand evidently they find the warmth uncomfortable.───他们正在脱毛,显然他们觉得这温暖很不舒服。
Moulting usually takes place in the protected moist environment of their burrows.───它们总是选择安全且潮湿的地洞来完成脱壳。
After marching over one or two barriers the hoppers absorb enough product to die while moulting.───在跨越一个或两个屏障之后,蝗蝻便吸收了足够的药剂,在蜕皮过程中死掉。
More horses and suddenly we are in the middle of a herd of camels with moultingcoats.───更多的马出现了,突然间,我们就置身于一群正在换毛的骆驼中间了。
The larva moults to give rise to the four-legged nymph, which, after five more days, becomes the adult mite.
Finches start to moult at around twelve weeks of age.
By August the male will have begun to moult and will become almost indistinguishable from the female.
No, he had been moulting, like a bird.
possibly they are birds which have failed to breed successfully and have assembled here to moult.