Hometown of four seasons
四季───Four seasons;家乡───hometown
Xifeng are semi - arid continental climate, adequate light, four seasons, Wuhua Tianbao, outstanding.───西峰属于半干旱大陆气候, 光照充足, 四季分明, 物华天宝, 人杰地灵.
Teacher: Dudley, can you tell me what the four seasonsare?───老师: 达莉, 你能告诉我四季指的是什麽 吗 ?
There're four seasonsin a year. They're spring, summer, autumn and winter.───一年中有四季. 春 、 夏 、 秋、冬.
Four seasons make a year.───四季构成了一年。
There are four seasonsin a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.───一年有四季, 这四季是春 、 夏 、 秋、冬.
The four seasonsof 1 year are spring, summer, autumn and winter.───一年的四季是春 、 夏 、 秋和冬.
You appear every four seasons.───四季常现。
Yes, people can experience four seasonswithin a single day.───是的, 人们在一天内可以经历四个季节.
Spring,summer,autumn and winter are the four seasons.
Each vignette represents one of the four seasons.
His first four seasonsin pro football, with the Cincinnati Bengals, had been a wash.
The fans will remember four seasonsof an unimposing 6-foot-1 kid lighting up dingy Toso pavilion like the Northern Lights.
There arc four seasons, or rather four solar points of the year, the solstices and equinoxes.