His public utterances were examined for heresy, his private life combed for scandal.───他的公开讲话被仔细研读看有没有邪说, 他的私生活也被仔细搜查,看有没有丑闻.
The heresyof this made Cascarellian's devoted stomach turn.───这邪恶的论调让老卡斯卡利安感觉一阵阵胃部痉挛.
Many Christian readers will recoil in horror at Mr pullman's plunge into heresy.───许多基督徒读者会因为恐惧普尔曼先生书中突然蹦出的“异端邪说”而回避此书.
At this defiant heresy, Mammy's brow lowered with indignation.───听了这番不伦不类的犟话, 嬷嬷烦恼得皱紧了眉头.
Continence is the foe of heresy.───克制是异端邪说的敌人.
Heresy , gentlemen, heresyis the charge we have to try.───异端哪, 先生们, 异端――这才是咱们要审问的罪名.
It was heresyof crackpots and wild men and it was really just an infantilism.───那是狂想家和过激分子的异端邪说的产物,实在不过是幼稚病而已.
We chose heresyto take a stand against the system that we created.───我们选择异端作为一种抵制我们所创造的体系的立场.
It might be considered heresyto suggest such a notion.