be future-minded
放远───be future-minded
evil-minded, not only in this life will he be denied of peace and good health, but in his future life he will meet with untimely death.───不好德的富贵人家,不但现世身心不能康泰安宁,将来一定很难安详而终。
Future cities will be "new garden cities," emitting low or no net carbon, productive and conservation-minded.───未来的城市应是新型的“花园城市”,排放小或者净排碳量为零、高产、具有良好的保护动植物的意识。
Steering pakistan's future is a pretty big responsibility and it should not be granted to those who are not ready to show single-minded allegiance to the cause.───引领巴基斯坦的未来是相当大的一份责任,它不应该交在那些尚未做好准备单一效忠之徒手中。