Why does German industry enjoy such a ready supply of well-trainedand well-motivated workers?───为什么德国工业能有如此现成的训练有素且积极肯干的劳动力资源呢?
They have well - trained troops, who are spoiling for a fight.───他们有一支训练有素, 求战心切的部队.
Clearly I am not well trained but I will try to make up for that.───我明摆着没受过良好的教育,但是我一定要弥补这个缺点.
grand prix is controlled by well-trainedmarshals.───大赛由训练有素的典礼官们掌控。
The staff is well trained in courteous and attentive service to each and every guest.───员工训练有素,为每一位客人提供礼貌周到的服务。
Our packing department is well - trained in secure shipping procedures.───我方包装部门人员在安全装运工序方面是训练有素的.
We have special sappers well trained for that.───我们有经过良好的专门训练的工程兵来对付它.
All our winchman are well trained and'skilled'skilfulproficientpracticedin handling winches.───我们所有绞车手都训练有素,能熟练操作起货机.