He is my primary school math teacher
小学───primary school;数学───mathematics
Yung Wing public primary School in New York City , NY.───美国纽约设立容闳公立小学.
Mrs Steele was head of Didcot's C of E primary school.───斯蒂尔夫人曾是英国迪德科特圣公会小学的校长。
The culturing of creative thinking at primary schoolis the basis of talent cultivation.───而小学阶段培养学生的创新思维,是培养时代人才的基础.
Today, salaries for primary schoolteachers are too low.───现在小学教员的工资太低.
Rongzhou Nanzhuang primary School was established in 1951, is located in Nanzhuang dissolved Chau Village.───禅城区南庄镇溶洲小学创办于1951年, 地处南庄镇溶洲村.
She jumped the fourth grade in primary school.───她跳过了小学四年级.
He is a first grade primary schoolpupil.───他是小学一年级学生.
The charity presents 50,000 copies of books to the Hope primary School.───慈善协会将5万册图书赠给了希望小学.