The present paper is to introduce an Interpersonal Communication Scale ( ICS ) in adolescent mental health dialesis.───研究目的是编制一份青少年心理健康素质的人际素质分量表.
Nowadays , people are paying more and more attention to the interpersonalrelationship in school.───在学校工作中, 人际关系越来越为人们所重视.
Excellent interpersonalcommunication skill. Be able to undertake high pressure and adapt high efficient working style.───良好的沟通技巧和人际交往能力; 能够承受工作压力.
The harmonious interpersonalrelationship inevitably is one kind of good condition.───和谐的人际关系必然是一种良好的状态.
The research indicates, interpersonaldiffusion is main channel of agricultural science and technology diffusion.───研究表明, 人际传播是目前农业科技传播的主渠道.
The law reflects the interpersonalpower relation, and the propriety embodies the cooperative one.───“法”体现的是人与人之间的权力关系, “礼”体现的是人与人之间的合作关系.
Have judgmental marketing insight, topping judgment, sound interpersonaland communication skills and innovation ability.───具有敏锐的市场洞察力, 杰出的判断能力, 优秀的沟通协调能力和学习创新能力.
Excellent interpersonaland communication skills to lead by example as a team player and between departments.───良好的人际关系和沟通技能,有良好的团队合作精神.
A more telling criticism is that he reduces ethics to interpersonalrelationships.