Highly contagious
高传染───Highly contagious
Scarlet fever is highly contagious.───猩红热的接触传染性很强。
We have made this mess, and mistakes today are highly contagious.───我们造成了混乱,而今天的错误具有高度传染性。
Nipah virus is highly contagiousin pigs.───尼帕病毒在猪群中具有高传染性。
A highly-contagious, airborne pathogenic bacterium, TB is one of the leading causes of death among women between 15-44 years of age.───结核菌是一种通过空气传播的传染性很强的病原菌,是造成15-44岁女性死亡的主要原因之一。
Incidents of conjunctivitis (sore eyes), which is a highly contagiousinfection, have been reported in at least one evacuation center.───结膜炎(眼睛发炎)具有高度传染性,至少已有一个疏散中心通报。
Foot-and-mouth disease is a highly contagiousdegenerative viral disease of cattle and other cloven-hoofed animals. It is usually not fatal.───口蹄疫是高度传染衰退的病毒性疾病的牲畜和其它有劈开-蹄的动物传播。它一般不致命的。
people with measles are highly contagious.
Scarlet fever is highly contagious.
Chicken pox is a highly contagiousdisease.
It's a highly contagiousinfection.
The infection is highly contagious, so don't let anyone else use your towel.