Something belongs to sb
某物───something;属于───belong to
Travelling in Europe was somethingof an anticlimax after the years he'd spent in Africa.───他在非洲生活了多年,到欧洲旅行真是有点太平淡了。
He philosophises instead of actually doing something.───他不动手实干,却大谈理论.
He did somethingcontradictory to his orders.───他做了与他的命令不符的事.
To some extent, it has somethingof conservatism complying with reality, and rejects idealism and transcendentalism.───它体现出与现实认同的保守主义倾向, 并拒斥理想主义和超验价值.
I want somethingsequacious now and robust.───我现在想要前后一贯和健全的东西.
Mould spreads quickly and can cover somethingcompletely.───霉蔓延得很快,有时会完全覆盖发霉物体的表面.
There's somethingfunny about him.───他有点儿怪。
He plays the trumpet or somethingof the kind.───他吹小喇叭之类的东西.