persuading business
劝业───persuading business
persuading them to change will take time. Yet for many business schools, time may be running out.───说服他们改变需要时间,但是对于很多商学院来说,他们已经没有时间了。
Goldman has just completed a review of its business practices aimed at persuading investors and clients of its worth.───高盛刚刚完成了对其业务惯例的评估,以期说服投资者和客户相信其价值。
He got the time to run it heavily all weekend by persuading his business supporters to pull their commercials so that he could put the attack AD up.───他说服了支持他的企业把商业广告撤下来,让他在整个周末反复地播放他这个攻击性广告。