Some families had placed flowers or incense inside empty water bottles as makeshift memorials.───一些家庭放上了鲜花和插在空瓶子里的点燃的香烛,权作临时的纪念.
He is reading some memorials.───他正在读几本编年史.
He was often seen at funerals and memorials.───人们经常在葬礼和追悼会上见到他.
Mount Qiqu is a treasure place where Zitong people have built ancestral memorialsand temples.───七曲山是一处风水宝地,是梓潼人自古建祠修庙的灵山.
Memorials will also be held tonight for victims of the attack at the pentagon.───纪念攻击受害者将于今晚在五角大楼举行.
I've gotten them from medieval saints, maps, dictionaries, plants, war memorials, and people I've met!───我从中世纪的圣人、地图、字典、植物、战争纪念碑和我遇到的人那里得到它们!
And the record of this brutal era is commemorated in memorialsacross this city.───这一残暴时代的记录被铭刻在了这座城市的纪念碑上.
Secret memorialswere confidential documents submitted by Ming subjects to the emperor.───摘要密疏是时代臣民上呈给皇帝的一种秘密上行文书.
Removing personal memorials, or even mowing around them, can be trying for highway crews.
Many cities have erected similar memorials.
I wince, contemplating how many memorialsour first sergeant has stood for in his lifetime.
There are many original or even funny-shaped memorials, including butterfly-shaped, skeleton-shaped and piano-shaped ones.
They saw graffiti on important public memorialsand they saw running battles with the police.