Restraint and restraint
敛束───Restraint and restraint
Context model has uniformed the internal resources restraint and the external environment restraint of an enterprise, thus the common enterprise resources model is enriched.───情境模型统一对企业的内部资源约束和外部环境限制建模,扩展了一般企业模型的资源子模型。
Self-restraint leads to less physical (or pharmacological) restraint, triage leads to treatment, and treatment with respect leads to engagement and collaboration, he suggested.───自我控制就会降低借助外力或药物平静下来的机率,分诊后进行治疗,尊重(病人)引起参与和合作,他建议道。
In fact, the judicial activism and the judicial restraint are not an either-or issue, but a problem of extent of the freedom or restraint judges would have in their judicial discretion.───其实,司法能动与司法克制并不是一个非此即彼的问题,而是法官在进行自由裁量时享有多大的自由或者受到多大的限制的程度问题。