pro public
亲舆───pro public
Swedish scientists, quoted in the British Journal of Sports Medicine recently, pro longed sitting should carry a public health warning.───英国运动医学杂志》最近引述瑞典科学家的观点,久坐不动已成为威胁公众健康的隐患,应当引起重视。
Lvmou suspects were arrested after the account so that the police investigators were very surprised: This is robbery co-since people have a public pro-granddaughter Granny Chung.───嫌疑人吕某被抓后的交代,让办案的警察都大吃一惊:这起劫案的同案人还有公老太的亲外孙女郑某。
This is a contribution to fairness in health and this is pro-active public health at its very best.───这是对卫生公平性的贡献并且是最积极的公共卫生局面。