Time is short
A lexicographer's job is to describethe language.───词典编纂者的工作就是对语言加以描述。
His many admirers describehim as clever: his enemies as too clever by half.───崇拜他的人很多说他聪明;恨他的人则说他聪明过了头。
The term "claret", used to describeBordeaux wines, may come from the French word "clairet".───用来指称波尔多葡萄酒的词claret可能源于法语单词clairet。
Words can hardly describehow excited we were.───我们激动的心情难以用笔墨来形容.
It is very difficult to describemy joy in words.───我的快乐难以用语言来形容.
In this section we will describecommon myths about cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana.───在这一节,我们将说明有关烟、酒和大麻的常见谬论。
Can you describeyour son?───你能描述一下你儿子 吗 ?
Briefly describethe product, but do not give any technical details at this stage.───简述一下产品情况, 但在目前阶段不要提供任何技术细节.