广州国际学校( 祈福英语实验学校)初中部为您分享以下优质知识
It's on Lao Bu's desk
He is an oldjournalistic acquaintance.───他是我在新闻界的一位旧交.
His son's crime put the oldman to shame.───这个老人因儿子犯罪而蒙受羞辱.
This oldman's tooth draw easily.───这位老人的牙很容易拔.
oldman spoke deferentially.───老人谦恭地说着话。
The slaves of the oldsociety have become the masters of the new society.───旧社会的奴隶变成了新社会的主人.
It's an oldfilm, but it's very good.───那是一部老电影, 但是很好.
He was a crafty oldthing.───他是一个诡计多端的家伙.
The oldman is a grumpy elder.───这老人是个脾气坏的长者.