威廉玛丽学院是美国历史第二悠久的大学(仅次于哈佛,早于耶鲁),自美国建国以来享有绝对的名望。作为公立常春藤名校之一,W&M曾培养出包括乔治.华盛顿在内的四位美国总统。校内的The Wren Building于1700年建成,之后历经三次火灾仍巍然矗立,是美国目前仍在沿用中年数最长的教学楼。
1.威廉玛丽学院是美国历史上第一所学院--First college in the United States,the claim being that its antecedents go back to the college proposed at Henricus (1619)
2.威廉玛丽学院是第一所获得英国皇家宪章的美国大学--First American college to receive its charter from the Crown under the Seal of the Privy Council,in 1693. Hence it was known as “‘their Majesties’ Royal College of William and Mary.”
3.威廉玛丽学院是第一个也是唯一获得英国纹章院的盾形纹章的美国大学--First and only American college to receive a colonial Coat-of-Arms from the College of Arms in London,1694.
4.威廉玛丽学院是美国第一所拥有完整教职员工的大学,最早的教授阵容包括了一名校长,6位教授,一个门卫和一名习字教员--First college in the United States to have a full Faculty,consisting of a President,six Professors,usher; and writing master,1729.
5.威廉玛丽学院是第一个授予金属奖牌的美国大学--First college to confer metallic prizes; the gold medals donated by Lord Botetourt in 1770.