
2024-09-19 14:08:21



1. "知识是力量" - 弗朗西斯·培根(Knowledge is power - Francis Bacon)

2. "教育是对心灵最好的投资" - John Dewey(Education is the best investment in the mind - John Dewey)

3. "勇于探索,乐于学习" - 威廉·格拉德斯通(Dare to explore, delight in learning - William Gladstone)

4. "成功是由准备和机遇相遇而产生的" - 赫尔曼·明斯基(Success is where preparation and opportunity meet - Herman Melville)

5. "教育的目的是培养思考而不是存贮知识" - Albert Einstein (The aim of education is to teach us how to think rather than what to think - Albert Einstein)

6. "任何人都能改变世界,只要他们愿意尝试" - John F. Kennedy(Every person can make a difference, and every person should try - John F. Kennedy)

7. "知识并不是象牙塔的特权,而是一种责任" - 基林·克拉克(Knowledge is not the privilege of the ivory tower, but a responsibility - Colin Clark)

8. "发现你热爱的事物,并用全心全意追求它" - 伊莉莎白·华伦(Find what you love and pursue it with all your heart - Elizabeth Warren)

9. "教育不是填满一个桶,而是点燃一把火" - 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire - William Butler Yeats)

10. "成为自己的掌舵者,创造你梦想中的未来" - 约翰·肯尼迪(Be the master of your own destiny, create the future of your dreams - John F. Kennedy)
